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A new web platform that will revolutionize visiting Chianti is arriving. It is called Xploro-Chianti and was presented at the Casa Chianti Classico by Chianti Live, the tour operator from Radda in Chianti who developed it (with Play Pixel).
“It will go on line on May 1,” says Chianti Live. “It is a site which allows you to reserve customized tourist packages for all types of clients for all types of services: where to sleep, where to eat, things to do, services, rentals, transfers. We felt that there wasn’t a way to organize the many quality events that the Chianti territory offers”.
Chianti Live’s strength is that it is a tourist agency competent in all manners, even in the direct organization of events. “Out of season,” they say, “we have just completed the “zero” edition of “Il Classico in E-Bike” (here the article and the pictures). On October 8 there will be “Il Classico in moto”“.
“Our objective – they add – is the de-seasonalization of tourism in the Chianti area. We also collaborate with the Eroica motor race and the Granfondo del Gallo Nero”.
They also announced two new events for 2018: “The Chianti ultra trail in March of 2018 with a trail of from 80 to 100 kilometers and the “Il Classico on horseback”. Our objective is the organic organization of 6 or 7 events out of season in order to fill receptive structures when they are usually almost empty or closed”.
You will be able to find everything regarding experiences and tours which Chianti Live already proposes with success on Xploro-Chianti, where you can build your Chianti vacation… made to order.
For information: – 0577735670.
Matteo Pucci