My friend Matteo Pucci, knowing that Miriam and I since sixteen years we are “paper collaborators” for some newspapers, he invite us to participate in this new project, the online magazine WeChianti…”We love Chianti”: we think, we photograph, we work, we drink, we study, we eat, we visit, we look, we tell. Damn if we like this project! Already the title is an invitation to join the community. Here we are! We’ll send occasionally a “Letter from Panzano”. We’ll tell old and new stories about our village, we’ll talk about our people, about events and programs as well, we will make criticisms if necessary, we’ll talk about dreams hard to realize but that with good will of everyone will be realized. We hope…In the meantime all the best and good job! Dario Cecchini and Miriam Serni Casalini.