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Here is the of the video of the 2017 edition of Arte e Vino, the event in Badia a Passignano that has become a regular occurence on the Chianti calendar.

A mix of art, wine, food and charity, it is organized by the Associazione Amici di Badia a Passignano Onlus, and has the collaboration and help of the Ospedale Meyer, the Associazione culturale Art-Art, Dedalus and the Fattoria Montecchio.

Its media partners are the Gazzettino del Chianti and WeChianti.

This year the rich program included guided tours, a market under the walls, a wine auction, trekking, a rally of vintage autos, wine tasting and an art show of paintings, photographs and sculptures.

In the video by Valerio Ricci, you can see everything that took place this year. Mark your calendar for the next event… June 2, 2018!