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“My name is Tessa Capponi Borawska. On behalf of the producers of Gallo Nero I address you, who love our beautiful hills, whose hospitality you have known, whose products you appreciate on your tables”.
Thus began the video appeal of the president of the Foundation for the Protection of the Chianti Classico Territory.
“In this moment of gradual restart – he resumes – the difficulties of many families emerge, generated by the health emergency which has severely tested the economic and social stability of our country. Even the living fabric of our territory, the people who live and work in it, and therefore the entire ecosystem is today in a situation of sudden fragility, despite the efforts of local administrations, which every day are committed to responding to the numerous needs of the community”.
“For this – he urges – I ask you to join us, in giving concrete help to the inhabitants of the Chianti Classico area: the well-being and development of our land can only find a balance in the well-being and development of each of its inhabitants Nobody can be left behind”.
“Make a donation – he concludes – to families in difficulty today in the municipalities of Barberino Tavarnelle, Castellina in Chianti, Castelnuovo Berardenga, Gaiole in Chianti, Greve in Chianti, Poggibonsi, Radda in Chianti, San Casciano”.