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Registrations for the 2019 edition of Buy Wine are now open. From the 13th until the 31st of October all Tuscan wineries will be able to request to participate in an event which presents the best Tuscan wines to buyers from all over the world.
A maximum of 215 wine producers will be selected. Submissions can be made solely online, by completing the application on the website:, section “Events” – BuyWine 2019.
The “Buy Wine 2019” will be held in Florence, at the Fortezza da Basso, on 8th and 9th February 2019: a successfully tested event that puts buyers and companies in direct contact.
In 2018 the meetings between the 190 buyers arrived from 39 countries and the 215 wine companies were 5.700.
The event is organised by the Regione Toscana in collaboration with PromoFirenze, which is part of the Chamber of Commerce of Florence. Only wine companies that produce and market Tuscan wines with Designations of Origin can participate.
This is a key event for our producers who will have the opportunity to sell their wines to buyers from all over the world. In the latest edition, many countries were present.
As well as the well-established markets such as the United States, Canada, China and the European markets – with Scandinavia and Germany in the lead – new importers took part, from Thailand, Lebanon, Peru, Colombia and Azerbaijan.
Further information on the website: