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Some will remember it as one of the best experiences lived in first person. Others will have a wonderful memory of a day of folklore along the river.

The youngest will remember a strange boat which traveled the waters of the Elsa. This is the River Trophy, which returns with a breath of fresh air after 10 years. It aims at the re-discovery of the river in respect for itself and for the vegetation that accompanies it in its slow flowing.

The crews will challenge each other in an itinerary which goes from Barberino Val d’Elsa (“La Zambra”) to Castelfiorentino, careful not to be overcome by the pitfalls that the river hides along its circa 15 kilometer path.

Let’s talk about the boat. The key words are: inspiration, imagination and inventiveness. Sign up has been open since May 5, every Friday at the seat of the “Circolo Tennis” in Castelfiorentino in via Duca d’Aosta, after 9:30 PM or at the new “River Trophy Point” ( Contacts: – Silvano 3338558046.