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Farming is fascinating but difficult and time consuming, However, it is attracting many, especially in the province of Siena where 400 new businesses have been initiated by young men and women under 40.
“These businesses are young regarding age as well as ideas,” comments the director of Coldiretti of Siena, Simone Solfanelli. “We are proud of the numbers which tells us a lot about the importance of the agricultural sector in our territory. Of course, the rise in interest regarding the land is also due to the economic crisis, but the numbers are what count, the desire to try and build a future. The youth of our province are demonstrating this and the positive result for Coldiretti is a breath of fresh air for them all”.
With the announcement last May 11, INPS gave instructions on how to use the provision regarding the exoneration from taxes for the young farmers.
The intervention, strongly sustained by Coldiretti and announced at the convention at the Mandela Forum in September of 2016 aims to help the early years of new agricultural endeavors by direct growers and professional farmers under the age of 40.
The measure refers to the new enrollment in agricultural taxes made between January 1, 2017 and December 31, 2017, and recognizes the exoneration from depositing 100% of contributions for taxes, usually obligatory for disability, old age and survivors for a maximum period of 36 months.
After the first 36 months, for a maximum period of 12 months, within 66%, and for an additional maximum 12 months, within 50%. The exoneration is also recognized for direct growers and professional farmers younger than 40 years old who, in the year 2016, signed up for agricultural insurance for companies located in the mountains and in disadvantaged farm zones.
The benefit is recognized only with an online application. All interested can find assistance at the offices of Condiretti, Epaca office (Viale Europa 15, Siena, 057746006).