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Work and religion are the themes that will be discussed this year at the “International Summer School on Religion” that will take place on Friday 30th August at the Abbey of Badia a Passignano (Barberino Tavarnelle).
Like every year, this special event in Badia a Passignano’s monastic complex will bring together numerous prominent personalities from the religious world, experts, scholars, philosophers and journalists. It’s organised in collaboration with the Unione Comunale del Chianti Fiorentino.
The central theme of this year’s reflection is introduced by a verse from Genesis: “By the sweat of your brow you will eat your bread”.
After a greeting by the Mayor David Baroncelli and Don Lorenzo Russo, Superior of Badia a Passignano, various speeches are scheduled: Ubaldo Fadini (University of Florence) talks about work philosophies and anthropological metamorphoses, and Vincenzo Pace (University of Padua) reflects on the theme “From work duty to social inequality in predominantly Muslim countries”.
After the interval Agnieszka Nitszke, (Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland) talks about the concept of work within the framework of the European Union’s single market, and Gianni F. Trapletti, teacher of religion at the Liceo “L. Gigli” in Rovato (BS) offers his contribution on “Work as a way to sanctification: the intuition of Josemaria Escrivà de Balaguer”.
In the afternoon, after a guided visit to the Monastery, Giacomo Trentanovi, council member for culture of the Municipality of Barberino-Tavarnelle, leads the afternoon session.
Professor Monika Ślufińska, (Jagiellonian Universiti in Krakow, Poland) participates with a speech entitled “Le métier de journaliste dans la convergence (multimédiatisation)”; Maria Immacolata Macioti and Elena Zapping (La Sapienza University in Rome) will talk about women in Damanhur between modernity and tradition; while Leo Lestingi (from the Facoltà Teologica Pugliese) discusses Islamic economy between Shar’a and Tawhid.
Fernanda Rossini (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München) concludes with a speech on American Dorothy Day and the Catholic workers’ movement.
Free participation: info and registration 055 8050837/869 –