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Filippo Gorini is a talented pianist professional. He is 22 years old and comes from Milano. Fillipo participated with enthusiasm in the latest edition of Chianti in Musica.
To close the exhibition on Saturday, July 29, Filippo performed in Porta Fiorentina (in San Donato in Poggio) in occasion of the final piano concert.
Everyone was left in awe as his knowledgeable hands played the keys. Filippo’s talent was evident from the beginning, and he has already won two competitions as he starts a brilliant career made up of many concerts (5 a month from now to February, in Italy and abroad).
Filippo also has an album dedicated to Beethoven; a cycle of variations, a unique piece which lasts almost an hour. It is extraordinary; it transmits his grand passion and puts together the most important moments of his career.
Filippo is both serious and sunny. “I began at 6 years old. Both my father and brother played, so it came naturally to me. But I began to dream of making classical music my life in middle school”.
“At 14 I entered the conservatory in Bergamo,” he says. “I graduated with honors. I am now continuing my studies privately with Maria Grazia Bellocchio, Pavel Gililov and Alfred Brendel”.
“Brendel is a living legend.” His eyes light up. “He heard about me and decided on his own to meet me. I have been his student for a year and a half; for me it is an honor”.
“I fell in love with music listening to the compositions of Beethoven and Schubert,” he says. “I am fascinated by the fact that things written 200 years ago contribute to my path of personal growth, accompanied by marvelous people including the students and teachers I met in San Donato”.
“It was wonderful to be part of Chianti in Musica,” he continues. “The Chianti location is magnificent, the people love us and the food is wonderful. I took advantage of intensive lessons to continue with two important pieces”.
“The course is very lively,” he ends. Many instruments are available for study which is important. The teachers and organizers are nice and competent. In other words, you can work very well”.
“It is a pity that it is already finished,” concludes Filippo, with nostalgia, “but I console myself thinking that, engagements permitting, I will return next year without a doubt”.
Noemi Bartalesi