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The Via Francigena offers 1000s of opportunities for those interested in trekking and cyclo-tourism. Now you can slowly discover and enjoy the areas that you cross, following more sustainable, healthy and knowledgeable rules.

The Tuscan region is working to develop more tourist and cycling opportunities connected to the many walking and cycling itineraries in Tuscany, helped by collaboration with other regions and shared projects.

Tuscany, together with Umbria, Abruzzo, Lazio, Marche and Sardinia is working towards the development and promotion of tourist trails based on ancient walks and paths, along the roads of wine and taste, on themes (for example, the Renaissance, contemporary times, villages, and outdoor sports).

They will be developed with strict contact with nature in Parks and protected areas of the Appennine Mountains and the coast in mindd.

In this sense, Tuscany has a lot to offer as opposed to the typical super famous destinations.

This is the most efficient way to meet the demand of tourists for offers proposed by our territories. In addition to the via Francigena, there are other “Cammini della Fede” (Roads of Faith), which need to be valorized and rediscovered thanks to the great interest involved.

The discovery of less well known itineraries and excursions implicate the presence of adequate infrastructures, and the choice for existing itineraries in Tuscany need to be strengthened and new ones need to be created.

The Integrated regional plan for Infrastructure and Mobility, (Piano Regionale Integrato Infrastrutture e Mobilità) has forecast the creation of cyclable itineraries at a regional level, including the “Ciclovia della Francigena”, whose itinerary has already been defined.

Another important cycling route, the Ciclopista dell’Arno is currently being completed. It goes from Mount Falterona in Casentino to Marina di Pisa, following the course of the river and connecting to the “Sentiero della Bonifica” which runs along the main canal of the Chiana between Arezzo and Chiusi.

It is 430 km long and unites four provinces and more than 60 townships. Among the other important bicycle routes created by the Tuscan region, one should remember the “Tirrenica”.