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A rich beginning to autumn is set for the Town library of San Casciano. Among the many inititiatives, Saturday, October 29, from 3:30PM -6 PM: “Creatively: making science fun”, led by Giampaolo Mazza.
Science isn’t only formulas, but the possibility to integrate a serious fun application is possible: experiments with syringes, plastic bottlecaps, electric motors, led lights, cardboard boxes, rubber bands, wheels and cogs to build great projects that really work together. We do it all using simple materials. The event is aimed at middle school students: free entrance. Reservations are necessary.
Also on Saturday, October 29, from 10:30 AM to noon – “Happy Halloween!” readings in English by children, for children. Wokshops will follow. “Spells”: animated reading in English for children from 7-10 years old. Halloween Countdown, for children from 4-6 years old; Portait Booth, run be Spaziocreattivando. Free entrance. Resevations are required.
Thursday, November 3, at 5:30 PM, “Olly’s World”: inauguration of the personal art show by Olimpia Mazzei (the exhibit will be open from November 4-6).
More animated reading for children from 5-10 years old. “C’era una volta e domani chissà… fiabe per un mondo migliore” (Once upon a time and tomorrow… who knows? Fairy tales for a better world”), run by Tiziana Giuliani; 4 animated readings to deconstruct old stereotypes and practices through listening, creativity and play, looking for the value of respect for one another, against any form of discrimination. Free entrance. Reservations are required. Maximum 15 children.
Saturday, November 5 (“Storie dalla lontana Cina”…Stories from far-away China, followed by a creative origami workshop, symbolizing the value of small things); Saturday, November 12 (“Quel brutto anatroccolo!”… That ugly duckling), followed by….let’s color the world…creating a t-shirt with painted hands, all equal in our differences.
Starting on Friday, November 4, at 9 PM: “Gli incontri della Tenda Rossa”, led by Nike Spalletti Pinotti. A cycle of 3 meetings dedicated to feminine literature. We will discuss books by female writers, dedicated to the social and spiritual condition of women. Cost: 5 euros, minimum number of participants…5.