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The Renaissance returns to Radda in Chianti. The town is preparing to greet the Chief Magistrate, Francesco Ferrucci, also called “Ferruccio” who will stop in the Chianti town in honor of the holiday dedicated to him, “Radda rinascimentale nel segno del Ferrucci”.
The event was created by the Pro Loco organization and is in its 5th edition. Saturday and Sunday, June 25 and 26, it will start at 10am with an historical re-enactment, which will see the town busy with costume processions, markets, antique games and flag throwers, all accompanied by excellent street food.
The event is dedicated to the Chief Magistrate of the Chianti town during the period of the “Signorie” and is a real inmersion into the past. The historic town center will be decorated with an artisan exhibit/market and food stands with delicacies like “ficattole”, crepes and grilled sausages.
There will also be jugglers, trampoline artists and the always present game of “palla in botte”. For information, contact Pro Loco: 0577 7738494.