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2019 is rich with events in Greve in Chianti. This town in the Chianti region stands out for being the setting of many great events throughout the year. Here you can find the complete program.
- Aprilante Market – Artisans and more: Panzano in Chianti. First Sunday of every month (excluding January and February). To participate as a vendor: call the Pro Loco of Panzano in Chianti: 3315654546.
- Il Pagliaio – Organic market: Greve in Chianti. Every fourth Sunday of the month from February to November. To participate as a vendor: 3294755006.
- Carnival in the Square. Strada in Chianti: Piazza del Mercato, Saturday 2nd March from 3pm to 6pm. Greve in Chianti: Piazza Matteotti and ‘Casa del Popolo’ community centre, Sunday March 3rd from 2pm to 8pm.

Festa Frittelle a Montefioralle
- 50th ‘Festa delle Fritelle’ (Traditional Fritter Festival) . Montefioralle, March 16th and 17th
- ‘Svuota la soffitta’ (Empty your attic) – Second-hand Market open to individuals. Greve in Chianti: 17th March, 8th August, 13th October.
- Feast of the Colombina. Greve in Chianti: April 21st at 12pm; Panzano in Chianti: April 23rd at 6pm.
- ‘Mercatino delle cose del passato’ (Market of things from the past), Easter Monday. Greve in Chianti: Piazza Matteotti. Artistic craft market: piazza Vassallo.
- Musical Spring – Classical / jazz / pop live concerts. Saturday 30 March at 5.30pm: San Francesco Museum, Violin Duo. Sunday, April 7th 5.30 pm: San Francesco Museum, Viola Quartet. Saturday, May 11th at 9pm: at the ‘Casa del Popolo’ community centre, ”Più Rock che parole” rock concert – II edition concert of modern bands, teachers and students of Greve’s School of Music. Saturday, May 18th: Montefioralle, on the occasion of “I Vini del Castello” event, voice and guitar duo. Sunday, May 19th, Montefioralle, harp and sax concert. Sunday 26th May at 5.30pm: in Lamole, at the San Donato church, “Più delle parole” concert (12th edition). Saturday, 1st June at 6pm: in Lamole, Piazza San Donato (on the occasion of “I Profumi di Lamole”), voice and guitar concert. Sunday, June 2nd at 5pm: in Lamole, San Donato church, viola quartet concert. Sunday, June 16th at 12pm: in Lucolena, flute concert commemorating the soldier’s monument. Friday 21st of June at 9pm: Agriturismo Villa Il Leccio (Strada in Chianti),”Piano + voce” concert. Saturday 6th July at 9.15pm: San Francesco Museum, Greve in Chianti, string quartet. Tuesday 23rd July 9.15pm: Santa Croce Museum quartet. Thursday, July 25th at 9pm: Agriturismo Villa Il Leccio, violin quartet.
Festa della Stagion Bona, Panzano in Chianti
- Verrazzano Day, Piazza Matteotti and Castello di Verrazzano: 17th April at 5.30pm, commemoration and placement of the crown of flowers at the Verrazzano monument. Exhibition “Cacao” and themed dinner at the Castle.
- ‘Stagion Bona’ Spring Festival, Panzano in Chianti: 25th April. Info: Il Grondino association (3397507938).
- Spring Festival in Strada in Chianti, with a market, impromptu painting, children’s entertainment in piazza Landi: 25th April.
- ‘Festa del Giaggiolo’, wine, oil and flavours of San Polo in Chianti: from 2nd to 5th May.
- Events dedicated to Leonardo da Vinci 1519/2019: art, history, theatre on the occasion of the 500th anniversary of the death of Leonardo da Vinci in Greve in Chianti. Thursday 2nd May at 5.30pm, meeting with Giovanni Cipriani (University of Florence) “The Renaissance in Florence”. Saturday 4th May at 5.30pm, meeting with Antonio Natali (former director of the Uffizi Gallery, from 2006 to 2015) “Leonardo, his works at the Uffizi Gallery”. Wednesday, August 28th at 9.15pm “Leonardo” theatre show by Luigi Bicchi, directed and performed by Alessandro Calonaci (Terrace of the Museum San Francesco).
- Flower Festival: Greve in Chianti, May 4th from 9am to 8pm; May 5th from 9am to 7pm.
- ‘La Vetrina delle Cittaslow’ showcase and market, the 16th exhibition dedicated to products and crafts of the towns which are part of the “Rete Internazionale Città del Buon Vivere” (International Network of Towns of Good Living): Greve in Chianti, Piazza Matteotti, 11th-12th May from 10am to 8pm.
- ‘I Vini nel Castello’ Wine Festival, 17th edition of the event dedicated to local wine, typical products and music, in Montefioralle, May 18th-19th.
- ‘Il passo più lungo della gamba’, event organised by the Passo dei Pecorai community centre: art exhibition, impromptu painting and entertainment (2nd June).
- ‘I profumi di Lamole’ wine and food festival, XVIII edition of the event dedicate to local wines and typical products: Lamole, 1st-2nd June from 11am to 8pm.
- 5th National Gathering of the Vespa Club, in Greve in Chianti, Piazza Matteotti: June 9th from 8am to 11am.
- XIX ‘Estate al Poggio Poggio alla Croce’ Summer Festival. From June to September, every Saturday and Sunday: at 5pm children’s entertainment, 9pm various shows.
- ‘R …Estate a San Polo 2019’ Summer Festival: outdoor events and entertainment: 14th, 18th, 20th, 25th, 27th June; 2nd, 4th, 5th July.
- ‘Rioni in Piazza’ Festival: the eight Greve’s districts compete in the square. “Greve Show: Rioni allo sbaraglio”, Piazza Matteotti, 16th June.
- Schiacciata Festival (Tuscan flat bread): Lucolena, 16th June.
- ‘Stelle e Mercanti’ Stars and Merchants Festival. Strada in Chianti, night craft market in the square of Strada in Chianti with music and entertainment, June 13th from 5pm to 11pm. Greve in Chianti, night craft market in the square of Greve in Chianti with music and entertainment, July 18th and August 8th from 5pm to 11pm. Panzano in Chianti, a night craft market in the square of Panzano in Chianti, with music and entertainment, July 11th from 5pm to 11pm.
- Summer of San Francesco: every Wednesday theatre at the San Francesco Museum, 9.15pm (19th, 26th June, 3rd, 17th, 24th, 31st July, 7th, 28th, 30th August).
- “Greve Summer Opera Academy”, master class and performance of an opera in the square. Concerts: Saturday 15th June, at 9pm in the Santa Croce Church: Rossini’s Stabat Mater. Thursday, June 20th at 9pm: concert. Thursday 27th June, 9.15pm: opera at the Boito theatre. Tuesday 2nd July at 9pm, opera in Piazza Matteotti. Friday, July 5th at 9.15pm concert at the Santa Croce Church.
- “AVIS in Piazza”, Strada in Chianti: various outdoor events, from 26th June to 30th June.
- Chianti ‘n Rock: concerts of various bands, Panzano in Chianti, sports ground, 29th June.
- ‘Dalla spiga al piatto’ Festival, Strada in Chianti, piazza Landi. Showcase dedicated to ancient country tools, various entertainment and pasta party (6th July) from 10am to 11pm.
- 30th edition of Lamole’s Summer Season Concerts. Every Sunday from July 14th to September 1st “Daniel Ferro Vocal Program”: teachers and former students gather in memory of the Maestro. Concert: 12th July, 8.30pm at the Castello di Verrazzano; July 16th, at 9pm at the Pieve San Leolino in Panzano; July 19th at 9pm, Santa Croce square in Greve.
- Summer evenings in Panzano: 26th July ‘Festa di Sant’Anna’ with games and entertainment for children; 6th August music in piazza Bucciarelli; August 14th music in piazza Bucciarelli; August 15th music with the Verdi Philharmonic Orchestra of Panzano.
- ‘Belcanto in Tuscany’, master classes and concerts. Lyrical concerts: August 2nd at 9pm at the Castello di Verrazzano; August 15th at 9pm: Terrace of the San Francesco Museum (Junior concert); August 16th at 9pm: Piazza Matteotti, final concert.
- September Fair, Greve in Chianti (Piazzale Ferrante Mori), 5th September.
- Rificolona paper lantern Festival, parade, award ceremony for the most beautiful rificolona, music and various entertainment (Greve in Chianti, piazza Vassallo), 7th September.
- ‘Processione del Diotto’. Traditional solemn procession to celebrate the patron saint, with the participation of Greve’s districts, the Confraternities and the Giuseppe Verdi Philharmonic Orchestra of Panzano (in Greve in Chianti, September 8th).
- 49th edition of the Expo Chianti Classico wine festival: Greve in Chianti 5th-8th September.
- ‘Strada infiera’. The ancient traditional fair of Strada in Chianti is back, with a week dedicated to music, entertainment, markets, food, games and inter-district competitions,(Strada in Chianti, from 10th to 16th September); September 15th great parade of the Strada’s districts; September 16th closing event.
- ‘Vino al Vino’ Wine Festival, Panzano in Chianti: from 12th to 15th September, wine tastings and jazz music.
- Event to celebrate the Bardi’s Municipalities Network. The Bardi: a Florentine family of high finance, art patronage and lyrical music. Castello di Mugnana: music and entertainment in period costume. Dinner with crime with Renaissance menu (September 20th from 5pm to 11pm).
- ‘Montefioralle Divino’: Wine Festival dedicated to the wine producers of Montefioralle: 21st-22th September.
- ‘Festa della Ceramica’, exhibition of Tuscan ceramists and more, with workshops and various games (Greve in Chianti, Piazza Matteotti), 22nd September.
- ‘Non solo vino’: an event dedicated to wine, its tradition and territory. Workshops for children and entertainment (Greve in Chianti, piazza Matteotti), 6th October.
- Chestnut Festival: Lucolena 19th-20th October.
- Waiting for Christmas. Christmas markets and craft market, music and various entertainment. December 8th: Greve in Chianti; December 14th: Panzano in Chianti; December 15th: San Polo in Chianti; December 22nd: Strada in Chianti. Live Nativity Scene in Lucolena: December 24th at 11pm.