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An app to discover and enhance the extraordinary heritage of the local breeds and varieties of Tuscany. The “Agrodiversità toscana” is a new and very useful tool to help people learn about native species and get in touch with the custodians of the breeds and varieties.

Tuscany has over twenty years’ experience in this field. Thanks to the system that safeguards agricultural biodiversity, which has listed 871 Tuscan varieties of fruit, vegetables, cereals, native forage and animal breeds. Now this rich heritage can be studied and consulted thanks to a digital application.

The app, created by the Terre Regionali Toscane, with the collaboration of the Florentine software house Lenis Srl, has several objectives: to create a showcase for consultation and promotion of Tuscany’s biodiversity, and thus contribute to enhancing the agricultural activities which are involved in the protection and preservation of indigenous crops.

“Agrodiversità Toscana” is available for free on the Play Store and Apple Store.