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Eight million euros have just been made available to promote Tuscan wine in international markets.

This is the content of the “OCM Vino – Promozione” regional call for grant applications – promoted by the Regione Toscana and funded by Community funds, it grants contributions for the promotion of Tuscan wines in international markets outside the European Union.

Various subjects – such as professional and interprofessional organizations, wine producer organizations, consortia, producers, public bodies – can participate in the applications. The funds allocated for the promotion to foreign markets vary from a minimum contribution of 50.000 to a maximum of 500.000 euro.

The subsidies will cover up to 50% of the costs incurred for: public relations, marketing and promotion, participation in events, fairs and exhibitions of international importance, information campaigns, and finally studies to evaluate the results of information and promotion campaigns.

Applications to be submitted exclusively online, on the Sviluppo Toscana S.p.A website, no later than 1pm on 13th November.