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This October the Unione Regionale Cuochi starts the new season with an extensive programme of professional cooking training courses, which will start soon and carry on next year.
The first course, which will focus on “Ice cream making”, will be held in Florence, and will be open to chefs from Florence, Pistoia, Prato and the Valdarno area. The same course will then be held in Arezzo, a strategic location because of its central position, and Massa, near the coast.
“It’s important to cover different areas of Tuscany, and offer a new service that can really make the difference in our sector”, says Roberto Lodovichi, President of Cuochi Toscani.
The theme of these first meetings will be ‘Ice cream making aimed at the catering sector’ and will be held by a highly experienced teacher, the Pastry Chef Andrea De Bellis, in collaboration with Carpigiani Gelato University.
The Unione Regionale dei Cuochi Toscani is growing and the needs of its associates grow with it. They want to learn more and more, keep up with the new trends and improve the level of their offerings in the kitchen.
To meet these needs, URCT has created the Training Sector (Area Formazione), with professor Guido Mori at the helm. He comes from the Chianti region, and he’s an authority in the food’s world, with many years’ experience in haute cuisine schools and academies.
He has held a great number of professional courses for food experts who need to keep up-to-date on the latest kitchen techniques and trends.
“The art of making ice cream is no longer tied exclusively to the ice cream maker’s technical environment- explains Professor Mori – More and more chefs are learning to make ice cream so that they can personally choose the flavours to match their preparations. There’s been a flourishing of new ice cream making techniques and as a result new balancing options: instead of using sucrose and glucose, ice cream is balanced with alditols, salts and sometimes sugar alcohols. There’s a need of a different and more in-depth knowledge on the subject”.
The next courses, following the new trends, will include low temperature cooking, scientific cuisine, gluten free, liquid nitrogen and vegetarian and vegan cooking.
Courses are open to all professionals with preferential treatment for those enrolled in the Unione Regionale dei Cuochi Toscani, to which one is automatically admitted if enrolled with one of the Associazioni Cuochi della Toscana.
For all information on URCT training, please write to