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In the heart of Chianti and Valdelsa: history, environment and international relations continue their ties with themes of spirituality, peace and integration in the atmosphere of the Castello di Tignano.
The Festival for the Environment and meeting among Peoples is in its 30th edition. A prestigious stage, the program runs from June 29 till July 23; a month of events, shows, and moments of meeting and reflection.
Many international themes will be presented and discussed by some ot the protagonists of the world cultural scene. Through the Festival, one of the architectural treasures of Chianti, the medieval villa of Tignano, will give value to and enrich the artistic progam of the Town Union with a broad variety of events.
The objectives of the organizers of the Festival, the “Comitato Culturale Tignano”, led by Paolo Gianni, are followed with constancy.
The construction of life styles and habits that can help us live with knowledge, often passes through a change in individual behavior regarding ways to perceive and interpret reality.
Once again, in this edition of the festival, sponsored by the “Regione Toscana and Città Metropolitana di Firenze”, there are many occasions to reflect on various themes: earthquakes, the media, food and well-being, refugees, human and organ trafficking, spirituality.
Among the guests of previous years, we can site Mario Tozzi, Margherita Hack, Maurizio Pallante, Franco Cardini, Vito Mancuso and Mauro Corona. Corona won the “Premio per l’Ambiente” (Prize for the Environment), 2016.
The inauguration of the 30th edition is tonight, June 29, with the play, “Racconti di provincia, veglia nel castello” (Tales of the province, vigil in the castle).
Sergio Berti, with the simple and direct language of the vigil, tells of the vari-colored world of the province. The texts are by Berti, who is also the main actor; adaptation by Riccardo Casamonti; music by Giacomo Luddi; direction by Riccardo Casamonti and Maria Luisa Beilowa. Entrance: 8 euros.
Saturday, July 1: musical dinner to celebrate the 30th edition. Dishes from zero kilometers by the members of the committee, led by their president, Paolo Gianni, head chef for a night. A suggestive an unusual evening with the most beautiful music of the last decades. Entrance: 30 euros.
Tuesday, July 4: two international experts on earthquake risk, prevention and information. Enzo Mantovani clearly illustrates tectonic and sismic elements in the northern Appennine mountains, the danger map in Tuscany, and elements to be considered for an efficient plan of prevention. Alessandro Martelli presents his new book, “Edifici ed impianti di nuova costruzione ed esistenti, e patrimonio culturale. Protetti dal terremoto grazie a moderne tecnologie” about new and existing structures and their protection from earthquakes thanks to modern technology. Free entrance.
Thursday, July 6: Giulietto Chiesa and Fulvio Scaglione are protagonists of a meeting/debate that reflects upon the rapport between journalism and the themes of peace and world conflict. The meeting will be moderated by the journalist, Maria Cristina Carratù of La Repubblica. Free entrance.
Sunday, July 9: “Premio per l’Ambiente” to Franco Berrino. The “Grande via” which Mother Nature offers us to live better and an itinerary of healthy food attitudes as well as physical activity and good meditation practices. Entrance: 7 euros.
Tuesday, July 11. Concert, “Il Gospel dall’Africa all’America”. More than 50 artists on the stage against all forms of slavery. Entrance, 8 euros.
Thursday, July 13. The “Premio”, meeting between the peoples and Alganesh Fessaha. Acknowledgement of a generous activist against the traffic of humans and organs among the refugees of war zones. President of the ONG Gandhi Charity, Alganesh Fessaha, among other recognition, received the Ambrogino d’Oro from the city of Milan in 2013 and the “Ufficiale di ordine al merito della Repubblica Italiana” award, received from presidente Mattarella, in 2015. Free entrance.
Saturday, July 15: meeting, “Tiziano Terzani tra ambiente e spiritualità”. Speakers, Gloria Germani e Alberto Bencistà.
Thursday, July 20: choruses of Barberino e Tavarnelle, led by young author and narrator, Francesco Mattonai. Free entrance.
Sunday, July 23: final concert of the 5th edition of InCanto Tignano, the workshop for young opera singers from all over the world. Scenes and arias from popular operas by Verdi, Mozart and other composers. Presenter and artistic director, Nicola Beller Carbone. Free entrance.
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