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The next Chiantigiana “garage sale” will take place in Tavarnelle on Sunday, September 25, from 9:30 AM to 6 PM. If you are interested, you can sign up now. We are talking about the markets of “Svuota la Soffitta”, (empty your attic), garage sales which will take place in our local Chianti towns.
They will not only be fun; they will let us relieve ourselves of a variety of objects that live in our cellars and attics. “Svuota la Soffitta”, the name given to the event, will allow residents to fill their stands with clothing, games, and household items. You can often find hidden treasures, which, at a small price, give great satisfaction.
If you are interested in exhibiting your used objects for sale or exchange, you can sign up by September 15. In order to participate, the request must be made: by fax to 055–807-6657; by mail or registered mail; by bringing the form directly to the office of Protocol of the town of Tavarnelle in piazza Matteotti 39.
At this page you will find the necessary documents. For information, contact the “Ufficio Ambiente Comune di Tavarnelle” (Office of the Environment), at 055–80508444 or 055–805-0831 or contact the “Ufficio relazioni con il pubblico”, town of Tavarnelle, 055–805-0824.