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Three artists from San Casciano are exhibiting at the “Fortezza Medicea” of Siena. The exhibits are “Frammenti di vita” (Fragments of life), by Markus Holzinger, “Ricordi toscani” (Tuscan memories), by Roberto D’Ambrosio, and “I Sogni in equilibrio” (Dreams in Equilibrium), by Alessandra Galardi.

Each artist has a different vision and concept of art. “The project”, explains Giovanna M. Carli, the creator and curator of the three personal shows, “considers the diversity of the artists and exalts it from the confrontation among their three different itineraries, each born from a different need”.

It is a show, or a tri-show, as Giovanna, (also called “Dodi”), likes to remind us. “They are three personals which find their natural collocation within the extraordinary framework of the Fortezza Medicea, today seat of the Italian Enoteca of the MIllevini Restaurant Lounge which, for the occasion, has been dubbed ‘ARTE’. The fort was built between 1561 and1563, thanks to Grand Duke Cosimo 1 de’ Medici, at the time the Uffizi was being built. It is a place with a defensive vocation and which I hope acts as a ‘fort’ against the spreading of kitsch art of poor taste”.

Roberto D’Ambrosio exhibits around 20 paintings in the style of composed impressionism, but with the impetus of an expressionist. We can see this through the gestuality with which he creates his works and through the depiction of characters placed wisely on the canvas. They are scenes robbed from Tuscan cities, with particular homage to Florence.

The theme of Markus Holzinger’s paintings is of signs that follow incessant algorithms under a frenetic thought that seems to never stop. Holzinger was born German, his father also an artist. Grateful for painting, the author affirms that his daily dedication to paintbrushes saved his life.

Alessandra Galardi, in her personal show, presents 20 paintings which were caused by a strong and indomitable research of the archaic and the contemporary. She uses pumice on canvas to maintain the tie between man and earth, an ancestral tie, like the water and color from which her strong visual water paintings are sprung.

“I present Alessandra Galardi”, Dodi affirms,”because she deserves her own path in visual art. “I am interested in her narration in which man alternately lose and finds himself”.

The three shows, inaugurated on Friday, June 24, have already had more than 500 visitors.