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“La Vignarola”, says Francesco Sorelli in his cookbook, “La Toscana di Ruffino” (here on Amazon), is a spring dish of farm origin, a tasty and ancient recipe.

It owes its name to some of its ingredients, vegetables planted among the rows of the vineyard to help make the terrain richer and, generally, to the vegetables which were brought home at the end of a day of fatigue in the fields.

Vignarola1“Vigna” often stood for ones own lands, their vegetable garden and the rows of the vineyard.

The “Vignarola” is a pan of fresh seasonal vegetables often cooked with pork fat, for example “ciccioli”, and sometimes with pieces of pecorino.

The evocative power and taste of this dish is from the flavorful, fragrant and crunchy vegetables: fava beans, artichokes, peas, onions, zucchine and a bit of mint.

Francesco Sorelli – My Tales of TuscanyPhoto by Sandra Pilacchi