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On Friday, October 21, at 5:30 PM, the third stage of “itinerant free reading on liberty” will take place at the “Carlo and Massimo Baldini” Town Library, at Greve in Chianti.
The event is created, organized and conducted by the poetess and writer, Claudia Piccini, the poet and provincial coordinator “Csain” for culture, Emanuele Martinuzzi, and the poet, Leonardo Manetti, with the collaboration of the Provincial Committee of Csain, of Florence and the collaboration of the cultural and artistic movement of Metateismo.
The first stage at the Nardini Bookstore of Florence and the second at Studio 38 Contemporary Art Gallery of Pistoia were rich in participation.
Guests of the evening will be the artist, Maria Florea, the artist, Sabrina Capurro (known for the “diamond” technique, created with nail polish), and the artist, Marcello Cannelli, who attended the “Bottega d’Arte Masaccio” of San Giovanni Valdarno with Masters Massimo Callossi and Valerio Donati.
Each guest will speak about liberty and will propose some of their most significant works relating to the evening’s theme. There will be poets, writers and actors from all over Italy who will read their works, touching the many shades of liberty.
It is a singular and emotional voyage, accompanied by the master of clasical guitar, Dimitri. Angelo Celsi is the official photographer for the event. Entrance is free.